Day 5: Heroes

Today ended with an easy flow of patients and goodbyes to the friends who come together to volunteer their time and talents to give back or pay it forward or fill a calling. Many of the volunteers are Haitian Americans that come back to translate or triage or feed volunteers or house them. We have volunteers that are local Haitian friends who just want to help their communities. We have volunteers on The Heart of Medicine board of directors that dedicate their time to organizing, planning, pill packing and go above and beyond to assure all of the details are in place so we can be as effective as possible for our trips. I have dear friends and colleagues who volunteer their medical talents, vacation time, airline tickets, etc. to serve a community they may have no connection to but leave with a connection they never would have expected.

Then, there are the heroes like you that send donations to make our mission possible. From medications purchased to monetary donations to much needed supplies you made it possible to help almost 500 strangers get the medical care they need. Many of you have sent words of encouragement and support that has buoyed us through long days and sleepless nights.

For all of you heroes, I send my love and appreciation.

Tomorrow we head back to the U.S. feeling grateful for our safety, our friends, our ability to heal, and for all of you.

Bon Nwi! Good night from Haiti.